Eco Drive Training

Training your employees to be more fuel efficient could increase your drivers’ MPG by up to 15%, helping your organisation save on fuel costs and reduce their carbon footprint.

15% is the average MPG improvement seen on the day of training. Studies suggest that a typical driver will maintain savings of 1-6%, or £20-£110, across the entire year.

Our driver training has helped more than 350 organisations to save money, reduce their emissions and improve the sustainability of their business. It is also a great way for organisations to engage their employees and help them spend less on fuel. Could we help you too?

Why take part in FuelGood driver training?

Driver training delivers a number of benefits to your organisation as well as to your employees. It’s also currently fully funded by Transport Scotland for a limited period.

Here are some of the benefits:

  • Based on 8,700 miles per year, typical annual savings of up to £210 per car driver (more for van drivers) should all the tips given in the training be followed.
  • Reduced wear and tear on tyres, brakes and clutches.
  • Reduced carbon footprint.
  • Fewer accidents – FuelGood encourages drivers to anticipate the road ahead, reducing the likelihood of accidents.


For Prices and Training Contact Len on Free Phone 08006521819

Mob  07837860750